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  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

  • Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594

    Amazing Maltese puppies now available for sale.(646) 481-0594


These little white dogs hail from Malta where they were highly prized for their charming looks and independent natures. Over the years they have found their way into the hearts and homes of many people other than in their native Malta and for good reason. The Maltese is a charming character and one that is extremely loyal and affectionate. Despite their small stature, the Maltese is a larger than life character that’s a real pleasure to share a home with.

Breed Highlights

Sweet natured dogs that love to please
Intelligent and playful personalities that thrive on being involved in everything
Maltese are wonderful companions because they are so biddable by nature
The Maltese gets on with everyone which includes other animals
They don’t shed too much

Interesting facts about the breed

The Maltese is among one of the most ancient breeds in the world

Maltese are known to be wonderful therapy dogs

Throughout time, nobles and royals alike have always owned Maltes


Height at withers: Males 20 - 25 cm, Females 20 - 22 cm

Average weight: Males 1.4 - 3.6 kg, Females 1.0 – 3.0 kg

Maltese Dogs boast a superb pure white coat with some dogs having a lemon or orange tinge in them. Their hair is long and luxurious which means they are quite high maintenance in the grooming department. They don't have an undercoat so they don’t shed as much as many other breeds making them a good choice for people who suffer from allergies although it is more the dander than hair that causes the allergy problem.

Maltese dogs remain very puppy-like in their looks for most of their lives which is another reason why these dogs are so endearing and popular with people throughout the world. Their heads are rounded without being domed and they boast a well-defined stop with a broad muzzle and striking black nose. Eyes are oval shaped and dark brown in colour with black rims which adds to their sweet appeal.

The Maltese has long, feathered ears that hang close to the head so the hair on them blends in with a dog's coat at the shoulder. They have strong jaws with a perfect scissor bite where their upper teeth neatly overlap their lower ones. They have short, straight legs and well sloped shoulders adding to their well-balanced appearance. In a nutshell, these dogs have short and compact bodies, well sprung rib cages and nice level backs from their withers right to their tails. The Maltese has short, well angulated back legs and their feet are round with black paw pads. Their tails are nicely feathered and dogs carry them arched over their backs.

The Maltese has a reasonably long coat, but the length does not interfere with their movement. Their coats are silky to the touch and perfectly straight without being woolly or crimped looking whatsoever and they don't have an undercoat. When it comes to colour, as previously mentioned these little dogs boast having pure white coats with some dogs having a little lemon or orange tinge in them which is perfectly acceptable as a breed standard.

White with Black Points
White with Lemon Markings

Intelligence / Trainability

Maltese are intelligent little dogs and they adore being around people which when all added up means they are very trainable. The problem is that because they are so cute and smart, they like to test the limits and boundaries to see how much they can get away with which can lead to a dog becoming unruly and wilful therefore harder to handle and manage.

Their training needs to start early and Maltese puppies have to be well socialised from a young age for them to be truly well-rounded dogs. The key to successfully training a Maltese is to always be consistent and to set boundaries and to always handle these clever little dogs with a firm, yet gentle hand. It is also worth noting that some Maltese are harder to housetrain than other breeds, but as previously touched upon with understanding, care and patience they can be taught not to mess in the house and to do their "business" outside.

A Maltese puppy should be taught ground rules and limits right from the word go with the first commands being as follows:

Come,Sit,Stay,Quiet,Leave it,Down,Bed

Are they a good choice for first time owners?

The Maltese is a great first-time dog because they are so biddable by nature and therefore easy to train. With this said, they can be a little harder to house train than other breeds of a similar size, but with patience, perseverance and gentleness, a Maltese can be taught to do their "business" outside.

What about prey drive?

The Maltese is a social character by nature and they get on with other animals they meet which includes other pets in a household. They don’t like straying from their owners which generally means they are less likely to take off after an animal they may have spotted in the distance.

What about playfulness?

The Maltese remains very puppy-like in their behaviour well into their senior years and being so intelligent, they quickly learn what pleases an owner. They are playful dogs by nature without being overly demanding although they hate being left on their own for any length of time.

What about adaptability?

The Maltese is a very versatile and adaptable little dog being just as happy living in an apartment in town as they are living in the country, providing they are given enough attention, mental stimulation and daily exercise.

What about excessive barking?

Unfortunately, the Maltese is known to like the sound of their own voices a little too much. As such, it's essential that owners gently curb their pet's desire to bark when puppies are still young, but this needs to be done carefully so as not to frighten them which could end up with them barking even more. It's also important to understand that the Maltese thrives on being around people and will bark incessantly if they find themselves on their own for long periods of time. In short, a Maltese would bark to get attention and to let the world know how unhappy they are at being left alone.

Do Maltese like water?

Maltese are not that fond of water and are not particularly good swimmers which could have a lot to do with the length of their coats which drag them down. Anyone who shares a home with a dog that's not keen on swimming should never force their pet into the water because it would really frighten them when they are already stressed out by things.

Are Maltese good watchdogs?

The Maltese is a very social dog by nature, but they are always quick to let an owner know when there are strangers about or when something they don't like is happening in their environment. However, thanks to their small size, they are not the best choice for anyone who is hoping to share a home with a more impressive looking watchdog although it would be fair to say that a Maltese would always have their owner’s back regardless of their small size.

Maltese Health

Maltese are known to be healthy little dogs and unlike many other pure breeds, they don't seem to be affected by common illnesses that plague other dogs. However, any health issues reported to the Breeders Association were minor and therefore do not merit a lot of concern.

so maltese are great dogs.